MIBOT began as the first community-wide airdrop on BASE chain, and the token was called eBASE. Now, it is moving to Ethereum! Every individual who staked on our rewards distributor contract was included in the snapshot, and will receive their airdropped tokens on Ethereum.
No presale. No insiders. Initial liquidity will be migrated and locked, less deployment fees. The tokens users received will be proportional to the amount of $eBASE they staked.
All wallets who had less than 1 $eBASE Staked will be receiving 0 $MIBOT. $MIBOT will be a continuation of our profit sharing token. Holders will receive profits proportional to their share of tokens held via token buy-back with profits from the Trading Bot. Our proprietary AI-powered algorithmic trading bot will execute trades using the taxes earned from MIBOT trading. Well explain all of that in further detail in another section.

$MIBOT is available for any eBASE users who staked on or before Janurary 19th, 2024. The liquidity pool on Ethereum will be the same ratio as the current ratio of ebase/eth. This was generously funded my one of our departing $MIBOT team members. The token implements a 3% tax as well, as it did before, and those taxes will go to the bot traded fund, and the developers.

“The Bot Fund”, is comprised of 1% of $MIBOT's taxes. Heres how it works: 1% of all buy/sell transactions are sent to a wallet that sends the funds to the Treasury Wallet, then onto Starknet, where our Bot algorithmically executes long/short trades on $BTC and other assets via DYDX. 70% of the bots profits are circulated, on a weekly basis, to $MIBOT, via a market buy of $MIBOT. 30% will be returned to the $MIBOT team.
Unless the bot loses money via trading over the course of a week, or we have to reduce or remove taxes for a potential CEX listing, the bots principal trading stack will only ever increase as volume for $MIBOT continues to feed it. Only the bots trading profits will be distributed; no revenue from the token itself will be distributed to holders.
In other words, the more $MIBOT you hold, the higher your percentage of the bots distributed profits will be.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To give the bot a meaningful initial trading stack, the $MIBOT team has seeded the bot with its own funds. In total, the team has or will provide the bot with $15,000 of its own money as a loan (less than that at the time of writing). Each week for the first three weeks, 5,000 will be withdrawn and returned to the memeber of the team who is leaving to get married. The remaining funds, and profits will continue to be traded for the community trading bot, and profits used to market buy back $MIBOT as a means of profitsharing, same as usual.